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I am a graduate student in the Learning, Design, and Technology program at Stanford University. For over ten years, I worked in various capacities-- as Dean of Students, classroom teacher, curriculum developer, coach, dorm parent, and academic advisor-- to support student learning inside and outside of the classroom.

At Stanford, I have pursued my longstanding interest in design by taking courses in Design Thinking at the and in visual design in the Art Department. I combine Design Thinking methodology with learning theories to develop innovative platforms for learning. 


My areas of interest include user experience design, design thinking in schools, intersections between formal and informal learning environments, educational games and simulations, and equity and inclusivity in education. 


Check out my Master's Project, TinkerTags, which allowed me to bring all of these interests together to create a powerful experience in computing for 21st century learners. 


Mo Akade

Copyright 2012. Mo Akade. LDT Portfolio

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